CEIU National Convention – Day 1 – Thursday, September 7th, 2023

Updates from Day 1 of the CEIU National Triennial Convention 

The CEIU National President, Eddy Bourque, called to order the opening of the 16th CEIU National Triennial convention after Elder John Henri Commanda’s Indigenous Opening.


With 214 delegates in attendance, 72 observers and 5 guests, for a total of 291 participants, this year’s convention is the biggest one so far for CEIU.  Part of the delegates, for the 1st time at a CEIU Convention, were the eight members of the National Women’s Committee and the eight members of the National Young Workers Committee.  A number of delegates held their hands up, when the National President asked who were in attendance as first-time delegates. 


Under the theme ‘In Solidarity, everything is possible’ the delegation started with a bang, singing the song ‘Solidarity Forever’.  This was followed by the adoption of the hours of session, the agenda and the rules of order.


A moment of silence was observed in memory of the members and staff that we have lost since our last Convention with their names being projected on screen.


This was followed by the ratification of the appointment of the Credentials Committee and the three Resolutions Committees.


Delegate Tourkmani read the Statement of Harassment, and delegate Censoni read the Statement on Unjust Profiling.  The National President named the three members of the Anti-Harassment Committee for the duration of convention.


The National Vice-President for Human Rights, delegate Rodrigues introduced our first guest speaker, Michelle Zakrison a high-energy drag king, dancer, performer, choreographer, actor, and comedian who has performed in multiple cities.


Michelle engaged the delegation during the Diversity Awareness Session, which is now part of Convention agendas, as per a resolution that passed a few years back.


With her bubbly personality, and comedian side, Michelle’s presentation was appreciated by all.  She ended her presentation with a short story book reading. The participants rose to their feet with cheers and applause for the great presentation. 


The afternoon session started with the National President, delegate Bourque, presenting a summary of his Report of the National President to Convention.  He was followed by the National Executive Vice-President, delegate Warner, who presented her Report of the National Executive Vice-President to Convention.  Each of their presentations was followed by questions from the delegates.


The Chair of the Nominations and Elections, Sharon DeSousa, was invited to the front to provide an update on the nominations for the three positions, up for election as well as to provide information regarding the all-candidates debate to be held on Saturday evening, September 9th, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Confederation II/III of the Westin Hotel in Ottawa.


The nominations received so far are as follows:


For the position of National President, in alphabetical order:

Eddy Bourque

Adam Murphy

Crystal Warner


For the position of National Executive Vice-President, in alphabetical order:

Judith Côté

Phil Matheson

Lisa Prescott


For the position of Alternate National Executive Vice-President, in alphabetical order:

Lyle Gall

Phil Matheson


Prior to the end of the day, the National President allowed the observers some time at the mics to provide comments of the 1st day of convention.


The 1st day of Convention ended at 4:30 p.m.


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